Kalm’s Bromegrass

Flowers tend to get people’s attention with color, but grasses can steal the show with their form. Take Kalm’s Bromegrass, for example – this amazing grass looks like a cross between wheat and a fireworks display! The graceful curves of the stems end with energetic seed heads that sway in the wind – and early in its growing season, the plant is painted with fuscsia on the stems, green on the seed pods, and a beautiful straw color in between. Kalm’s Bromegrass is a show stopper!

Let’s hear it for native grasses! Over the next few Tuesdays, I’ll be sharing other grasses that don’t get the attention they deserve. Stay tuned!

Detail of Kalm's Bromegrass
A closer look at the grain-like seed heads on Kalm’s Bromegrass – what a show stopper!

Kalm’s Bromegrass
Shoot date: June 30, 2019
Possible use as a cut flower: Good news – grasses are happy to hang out in a vase! Keep ‘em dry and they look really cool.