Brome Grass

This grass is as common as it comes: you’ll see it in ditches, pastures, building sites, just about everywhere. Are we taking its artistic form for granted?

Definitely. Take another look: Brome grass’s stems are a brilliant Kelly green that softens into a delicate cream color at the seeds, which are supported by dainty, delicate stems. The whole plant is beautifully suited to the windy prairie, bowing into a graceful arch when breezes blow and then standing straight again on calm days. By winter, the color of its stems will have faded but the plant will still stand strong into the coming spring.

Brome grass (Bromus)
Shoot date: June 30, 2019
Possible use as a cut flower: Good news – grasses are happy to hang out in a vase! Keep ‘em dry and they look really cool.