Being “In the Moment”

The leaves of this unexpected spout picked up the last rays of the day’s setting sun and looked like they burst into flame, almost like candles to light the way into a quiet evening.

Sometimes, a moment in the woods is so perfect that you feel it like a physical touch. This evening in late November was one of those — after composing a few photos, I laid my camera down on the ground and sat down next to it, and just watched and listened as the sun slid down. Magical.

Looking at this finished shot, I see things I could have done differently to make a better photograph. If I had kept shooting I would have refined those elements and come home with a stronger photo — but I’m glad I chose to reserve some time to live in the moment instead of spending all that time trying to capture it. This way, the magic of that evening left a stronger imprint on my soul than on my work. The artist in me still wishes for a better photo, but the human being was strengthened by a moment of pure peace.