A Place to Be Creative

Really, really neat news to share: I’ve been selected for a 2020/2021 residency at Waubonsie State Park through their Artist in Residence program!

Folks, I’m so excited! Participating in this residency last year gave me the space and time to focus on a photographic project surrounded and inspired by the beautiful Loess Hills and with that experience under my belt, I hope to produce even more creative work during my upcoming stay! You can see some of the work from last year’s residency in this gallery.

The Daily Nonpareil ran a story today about this year’s artists, and I’m delighted to be in such distinguished company!

I’ll be hanging my shingle at the park in the latter half of February 2021, and will share more about my plans on Facebook and on here BurOakPhoto.com as the date nears.

I can hardly wait for February! (And what Midwesterner in their right mind says that?)