Snow on the Mountain

Snow on the Mountain photo caption (edited version): As August’s heat and humidity drape over us like a blanket, the refreshing green and white blossoms of Snow on the Mountain emerge to dot our landscape with the cool promise of later seasons.

Snow on the Mountain photo caption (unedited version): Kneeling in a patch of poison ivy to make this photo, I rejoice in the upside of the situation – I’m too slippery with sweat for the whining cloud of mosquitoes around me to gain a foothold. For Pete’s sake, can we move on to autumn yet?

Don’t get me wrong, folks, I delight in the many joys of summer … but it has been said (with some accuracy) that the purpose of August is to make us fully appreciate September. Last night, when I made this photo and a whole bunch of others, I was appreciating September proactively and with great fervor. So until the calendar rolls around, I hope everyone enjoys Snow on the Mountain and “the cool promise of later seasons.”