Upcoming Class: 10 Secrets for Stunning Nature Photos

How many times have you marveled at an amazing landscape or a beautiful flower or a dazzling sunset, and whipped out your phone to snap a photo … and the picture just looked blah? It’s heartbreaking! But it doesn’t have to happen to you again — if you want to learn how to take your nature photos from blah to brilliant, join us and we’ll share 10 ways to improve your photos of the great outdoors. Everyone is welcome, from casual snap-shooters to serious photography enthusiasts. Bring your camera or smartphone to put your learning into practice!

The class is being offered on two evenings in April — see the links below for more details. I hope to see you there!

Wednesday, April 8 at Impact Hill in Oakland, IA: https://www.facebook.com/events/1531927030287970/
Thursday, April 23 at Waubonsie State Park near Hamburg, IA: https://www.facebook.com/events/143044766675106/

Hope to see you there!